Athens - The spotlight this weekend is on Georgia Republicans, but state Democrats wanted to make sure they got a few licks in while their counterparts partied in Athens.

Democratic Party of Georgia chair DuBose Porter welcomed the arrivals of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz with a scathing critique of their policies. The three presidential contenders are trying to woo GOP delegates in Athens by laying out competing visions for the job.

"It’s like the clown car just rolled in to town," said Porter. "We know enough about these three men to know that Georgians cannot afford what they are offering."

Porter, a newspaper publisher and former House minority leader, said Christie "has driven New Jersey’s economy into the ditch" and that Rubio is "nothing more than a follower who would rather pander to the GOP base."

But he reserved his harshest comments for Cruz, who will keynote the convention tonight. The federal shutdown that Cruz helped engineer in 2013 cost Georgia $324 million over 16 days, he said.

"Ted Cruz is a living, breathing embodiment of everything that is wrong with the GOP," said Porter.