The New York Times this morning has highlighted this CNN debate over Donald Trump's handling of an endorsement by David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan, between Trump defender Jeffrey Lord and Van Jones:
From The Times:
It was five minutes or so of the most stunning TV of the year. Even the body language was fascinating: Mr. Jones rested a hand on Mr. Lord's shoulder at times, seemingly less as a dominating gesture than to keep the situation from spiraling out of control. ("I know you," Mr. Jones said at one point. "I trust you.") It was as if he were simultaneously battling Mr. Lord and trying to defuse a highly unstable bomb.
Cable debates typically end up with two parties yelling over trivia. The Jones-Lord argument was arresting precisely the opposite way: Two men were arguing, furiously but in control, over something dead serious.
Think the KKK is something in the history books? Subscribers can take in Bill Torpy's account of the Klan used as a weapon in a north Fulton County zoning dispute.
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