Donald Trump Jr., son of the Republican presidential nominee, made a quick 30-minute stop in downtown Atlanta this morning to touch base with African-American members of the Georgia GOP -- what has become a rare demographic for Trump Sr. in his race for the White House.

"It's not just the old angry white guys who are fed up with government," Trump Jr. told perhaps 100 attendees gathered at the BQE Lounge on Edgewood Avenue. The nominee's son, whose visit follows Wednesday's trip to Georgia by two other Trump siblings, Ivanka and Tiffany, portrayed his father's talent for job creation as the way out of poverty for many young black Americans. He also emphasized school choice.

"Not since Jack Kemp have I seen someone who really understands we need an urban agenda," said Michael Murphy of Smyrna. "It's just the fact that he's acknowledging the existence of what's needed."

One figure Murphy tossed out: When President Barack Obama took office, there were 20 black-owned banks in the nation. "Now there are only nine," he said. "And only one in Atlanta."

Later in the day, at a “God and Country” rally at Rock Springs Church in Milner, Ga., Trump Jr. echoed his father’s call that the election is rigged in Clinton’s favor.

“If you’re a conservative, you play by a different sort of rules, because we actually play by the rules,” he said, invoking questions about coziness between Clinton and her family’s foundation.

“I don’t know what’s worse. The fact that all of that happened and continues to happen, or the fact that no one seems to care,” he added. “Because that’s scary.”