State Sen. Greg Kirk, R-Americus, has finally made his First Amendment Defense Act available for inspection. In a press conference on Thursday, he merely read a portion of the text.

S.B. 284 is its handle. Kirk says it's designed to protect the tax breaks and status of non-profit groups who adhere to the one man, one woman concept of marriage.

While you're waiting to be snowed in, take a stroll through it. In particular, you lawyers and law school students give it a scan. Click here, and tell us what you think.

Here's one portion, apparently intended to protect the right of traditional marriage believers to speak on college campuses and elsewhere. It would be illegal to:

Deny, withhold, reduce, exclude, terminate, condition, or otherwise make unavailable access to any speech forum (whether a traditional, limited, or nonpublic forum) administered by a government, including access to education facilities available for use by student or community organizations.