Nearly 60 percent of Georgia voters have dim views of both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. But their running-mates are largely a blank slate to much of the state's electorate.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll found only about a third of Georgia voters had favorable impressions about Republican Mike Pence and Democrat Tim Kaine – and that a majority gave them negative reviews, answered "don't know" or offered no response when asked their views about both candidates.
The poll showed Pence, who is set to visit Atlanta at the end of the month, has some work to do introducing himself to Georgia Republicans if his mission is to play defense for the campaign here.
Nearly three in four Georgia Republicans gave Trump a positive rating, but the Indiana governor’s numbers among the party faithful were sharply lower. He netted a 56 percent approval rating among Republicans (another third ducked the question) and a 37 percent rating with independents, a typically conservative bunch.
Kaine is playing catchup as well. The Virginia U.S. senator’s favorability ratings among Democrats were 30 points lower than Clinton’s. And more than a third of younger voters, those aged 18-39, give him poor marks.
More: Read all about the AJC poll’s wide-ranging findings here.
More: Why Donald Trump could influence Georgia’s Senate race.
More: How Libertarians can shake up the vote.
More: Behind Barack Obama's surprising approval rating in Georgia
More: How the poll was conducted.
More: An interactive look at all the results and crosstabs here.
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