“I think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament," Donald Trump told American voters during the debate four days ago.
This is how Trump's "strongest asset" manifested itself this morning.
Again, this is Day Four, and the man whom many believe should be elected president of the United States, with all the awesome powers and responsibilities inherent in that high office, has decided to go thermonuclear in his war with a Venezuelan beauty queen. It makes his previous war with Khizr Khan look like a paltry border dispute. And when he said earlier that if Iranian sailors made "improper gestures" toward American vessels while he was president, he would "shoot them out of the water," this pretty much confirms that yes, that is exactly what he would do.
Is this kind of response smart or even rational politics? Hell no. "Smart" would have been not saying another word about Alicia Machado after Monday night's debate. But he is incapable of smart.
Is he following the advice of the "very best people" whom he promised to gather around him? Hell no again. He doesn't want advisers, he wants flatterers. After seeing this, Kellyanne Conway must have ordered a bottle of bourbon from room service for her breakfast.
But this is Donald Trump, doing whatever it takes to make himself feel whole again regardless of the consequences. (The tweets above are just two in a series of angry tweets that began at 3:20 a.m.; apparently he awakens in the morning just brimming with so much bile and viciousness that he can't contain it.) This is the real Trump, unhinged and self-destructive. And if we put him in the Oval Office, he will be unhinged and self-destructive on behalf of the entire country, and nobody will be able to claim that we couldn't have seen it coming.
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