Going for the kill in Iowa and New Hampshire, Donald Trump has released a new television ad that attacks Ted Cruz on immigration, trying to portray Cruz as someone who has flip flopped on that hot button issue, as Trump looks to put his main GOP challenger on the defensive with just ten days left until the Iowa Caucus.

"Pro Immigration," is the label on the screen as Trump uses an interview on Fox News where Cruz stumbles for words about how he dealt with a major immigration reform bill several years ago in the Congress.

"Trump will end illegal immigration," the ad proclaims.

Coupled with a new radio ad that Trump released today which focuses on evangelical voters - using the glowing words of Jerry Falwell, Jr., Trump is clearly looking to grab ultimate control of this race away from Cruz in Iowa.

Trump's new media blitz comes at a time when the other Republicans in the race for the White House seem more intent on hitting each other than Trump.

"If we win in Iowa, I think we will run the table," Trump said at a rally this week.

His TV and radio ad effort here clearly shows that is his goal.

New polls out on Thursday in Iowa showed two different stories, as a pair of polls had a dead heat between Trump and Cruz - another pair had Trump leading by 10 and 11 points.