GHSF Daily asked Georgia head coaches to answer these four questions. We'll report from a different head coach each day.
Rico Zackery, Villa Rica
1. What is the real difference-maker in winning and losing in Georgia high school football? "In order to sustain success in any program, I think administration is a huge factor. In my opinion, you need an administration that has a vision that aligns with who you want to be as a program."
2. Which player that you've coached is memorable mostly for his character or inspiration? "I have coached a few that are high-character kids and many more that have been an inspiration to my family and me. But at this point, it would have to be Josh Dunson. Not big enough, not strong enough, not fast enough, but you could not tell him that. I always refer back to him when I talk about effort overcoming talent."
3. What is the best atmosphere for a high school game that you've experienced away from home? "At Grayson in the 2010 state semifinals. It was electric!"
4. As a player or coach at any level, which game do you wish you could play again? "I wish I could just go back and play in one high school game at my old high school, Newnan. I tell my players every day to cherish these moments and these relationships you are building because you will remember them the rest of your life! I still have dreams about playing at Drake Stadium with some of my best friends!"
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