GHSF Daily asked Georgia head coaches to answer these four questions. We'll report from a different head coach each day.

Jeff Kaiser, Tattnall County

1. Who is/was the most influential person in your coaching career? "Coach Buzz Busby, former head coach at Kendrick, Statesboro and Pike County. Coach was a stickler for organization, attention to detail and simple football."

2. Who is the best Georgia player you ever faced? "Tray Blackmon, LaGrange, 2004. Incredible defensive instincts. Very tenacious."

3. What is the best team you ever faced as a coach?"2002 Thomson Bulldogs. 15-0 state champions."

4. If you were Gary Phillips, the new head of the GHSA, what would be the first rule that you would try to change? "I would continue to tinker with reclassification. I think that there should be six public-school state champions and two private-school state champions."

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