GHSF Daily asked Georgia head coaches to answer these four questions. We'll report from a different head coach each day.
George Collins, Rutland
1. Who is/was the most influential person in your coaching career? "My high school coach, Robert Davis, at Warner Robins. I had the privilege of having had Coach Davis as a position coach for two seasons and a head coach my senior year. There is no doubt in my mind that I became the player I became at the University of Georgia and professionally because of his coaching. He taught me the importance of the little things as an offensive lineman, starting with the first step and ending at the whistle. He taught me the importance of work and never taking anything or anyone for granted. I have carried the things I leaned from him as a player to my coaching career."
2. Who is the best Georgia player you ever faced? "Bennie Jones and/or Tim Walker, both from Northside High School. Bennie in 1972 and Tim in 1973. This game was always so big that neither side wanted to lose. Both Bennie and Tim were very good defensive linemen in their own rights, but being from across town and the importance of the game always brought out the best in everyone. It was always great competition and a challenge the Friday night Warner Robins played Northside."
3. What is the best team you ever faced as a coach? "Griffin 2013. This was a well-coached and very athletic football team that ended up winning the state championship in AAAA. Griffin had a lot of weapons on offense and a very stout defense."
4. If you were Gary Phillips, the new head of the GHSA, what would be the first rule that you would try to change? "I am not sure if I would change anything. It is a difficult position, and it is not a one-size-fits-all. But if I could change something, I would allow a controlled scrimmage for football in the spring. It could be based on a certain number of plays. It would really benefit the teams that have depth issues. It would put more excitement into spring football."
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