GHSF Daily asked Georgia head coaches to answer these four questions. We'll report from a different head coach each day.
Scott Hamilton, Paulding County
1. Who is/was the most influential person in your coaching career? "Sam Sprewell, currently CFO of Floyd County Schools. He taught me a lot of X's and O's but also that football was more than just a game but a chance to influence people. I also have to mention Dr. David Wiggins, principal at Mount Zion High School. So many of the things he told me have come true. I was also fortunate to play for two great coaches in Jeff Herron and Jimmy Dorsey at McEachern High School."
2. Who is the best Georgia player you ever faced? "Tray Blackmon, LaGrange High School. He could run you down. Couldn't run at him. Made plays all over the field. Of course that year the entire LaGrange defense was special."
3. What is the best team you ever faced as a coach? "The LaGrange team of 2004 with Tray Blackmon, Travis Hart, Braxton Kelly. You couldn't block them, you couldn't run away from them, you couldn't read them. They were incredible."
4. If you were Gary Phillips, the new head of the GHSA, what would be the first rule that you would try to change? "Transfers. We need to look at what Texas has done. They seem to have the recruiting under control. It is killing what makes high school football great - small towns and communities supporting their players and their schools. If I wanted to watch the best group of recruits, I would just watch the NFL or the University of Alabama play."
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