GHSF Daily asked Georgia head coaches to answer these four questions. We'll report from a different head coach each day.

Jason Carrera, Meadowcreek

1. What is the real difference-maker in winning and losing in Georgia high school football? "There are so many factors, but I think culture is a big one. The culture of your team and school has a lot to do with winning. I think most coaches have the formula for winning, whatever that may be, but creating a culture of winning on your team, with faculty and staff and administration, is a big factor. I think a positive culture also can produce a sense of confidence and belief that really helps. Georgia high school football is crazy, and there are so many great athletes and coaches, but at the end of the day it's about molding and shaping young men through a great sport God has given us to play."

2. Which player that you've coached is memorable mostly for his character or inspiration? "That's a very hard question because I believe, like most coaches, that I have come across so many athletes with great character and inspiration, but at Meadowcreek there are so many athletes that overcome circumstances outside of their control to be successful. One that comes to mind is Qu'vella Calhoun, a current senior at Meadowcreek. Q has overcome so many obstacles to be where he is today, and that is the leader of our football team, an unselfish player, a great weight room guy, a great practice guy, and a guy that leaves it on the field every day. On top of that, he is a great student and a great leader in the school. Despite the factors that he has overcome, he remains positive and an inspiration to all that come in contact with him."

3. What is the best atmosphere for a high school game that you've experienced away from home? "Lincoln County. While at ELCA we went down there two consecutive years for the second round of the playoffs. The first year, 2008, we lost 7-0, and in 2009 we lost in a shootout 47-39. Although we lost both games, it was great to play in such a historic site in a playoff scenario."

4. As a player or coach at any level, which game do you wish you could play again? "That's easy, the 1983 playoff game at LaGrange as a player [at Forest Park]. We lost 27-14 to a team that went on to lose in the state championship to Tift County. I think most guys wish they could go back to their last high school game and it never end! Although we were a No. 4 seed, we were in a battle in the second half before they pulled away. That LaGrange team had some great players, but more than anything I miss the guys I played with and wish I could go back and do it one more time."

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