GHSF Daily asked Georgia head coaches to answer these four questions. We'll report from a different head coach each day.

Antonio Andrews, Griffin

1. What is the real difference-maker in winning and losing in Georgia high school football? "There is nothing easy about running a winning football program in Georgia. It's all about consistency. It requires consistent hard work. A winning program works really hard to stay consistent in running a quality strength and conditioning program, creating a character education program and creating a family atmosphere with players and coaches. When coaches make sure that their team is physical, mentally and emotionally prepared daily, not only will they be winners on Friday night, they will also be winners in life!"

2. Which player that you've coached is memorable mostly for his character or inspiration? "Without a doubt, this player is named Kendall Wilson. He is our current short snapper and backup wide receiver. Kendall is 5-6, 130 pounds but has the heart of a lion. Kendall has made every workout that we have ever had and has never missed a day of practice since joining the team. Kendall is probably one of the best kids that I have ever met. I am almost certain that Kendall will be successful in whatever he chooses to be successful in. Love that guy!"

3. What is the best atmosphere for a high school game that you've experienced away from home? "In 2013 at our quarterfinals game vs. Sandy Creek, the atmosphere was surreal, but the 2013 state championship game vs. Carrollton at the Georgia Dome has to be the best football atmosphere that I have ever been a part of. I truly believe that every person that has ever lived in Griffin/Spalding County was at that game. It was an amazing atmosphere."

4. As a player or coach at any level, which game do you wish you could play again? "This is a no-brainer. In 2009, we played Sandy Creek in the final four. On the opening kickoff, coach Steve DeVoursney signaled in a pooch kick, but our kicker thought he signaled a surprise onside kick. Sandy Creek scooped it and took it for a touchdown. After that we could not bounce back. That year we arguably had the best defense in all of Georgia and a very explosive offense. I'd love to play that one again. I remember when the horn sounded and our boys were walking off the field. That feeling I will never forget."

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