GHSF Daily asked Georgia head coaches to answer these four questions. We'll report from a different head coach each day.
Blair Harrison, Brookstone
1. What is the real difference-maker in winning and losing in Georgia high school football? "The real difference-maker in winning and losing football games in Georgia is the total buy-in from your players, coaches, administration and community. I feel you can build traditions and facilities over time, but you must have everyone on the same page from day one. And in this day and age, that is really hard to accomplish."
2. Which player that you've coached is memorable mostly for his character or inspiration? "I have coached many great people over my 23-year career, but I would have to say the one player who is the most memorable is Brewton McCluskey. He was a very hard-nosed player with exceptional leadership abilities. I always knew Brewton would be successful in anything he set his mind to do. He is currently in his second year of medical school. Brewton is a role model and inspiration, so much so that my wife and I named our second son after him." [McCluskey, an all-state player for Brookstone in 2008, attends the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta.]
3. What is the best atmosphere for a high school game that you've experienced away from home? "The best atmosphere that I have coached in has to be in Kingston, Tenn., at Roane County High School. As head coach, I absolutely loved coaching in that stadium. The band was phenomenal, the fans were great, and the setting was one that you would just have to see. There is not a track around the field, so the fans were right on top of you. It was electrifying!"
4. As a player or coach at any level, which game do you wish you could play again? "I will always want to replay my last high school football game. I played for Webb School in Knoxville, Tenn. We were in the third round playing at Franklin Road Academy in Nashville. It was a great game. I will never forget the crowd. It was like we were the only game being played that night. We both scored four touchdowns; we just did not get any of our extra points that night. We lost 28-24. It was a heartbreaker!"
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