Zoo Atlanta is very excited about its new reptile house opening April 2 – it's called the "Scaly Slimy Spectacular" -- and is ready to give away some tickets. Taking a page from the Catlanta book of hidden treasure, the zoo is hiding "eggs" around town with free passes inside.

One egg each day will be hidden for the next 14 days, each containing four free zoo passes.

To redeem the passes, successful egg-hunters must post a photo of their egg to Zoo Atlanta's Facebook profile with the hashtag #Ssspectacular. Clues to the eggs' locations will be posted on the zoo's Twitter and Instagram accounts.

The first egg went out Tuesday, March 17 (a green egg, appropriately enough) and the clue says it’s “Near the place where spring brings the liquid rings.” (It doesn’t take an Olympian intelligence to figure that one out.)

The contest rules can be found here.