Inspiration is important but technical knowhow is also helpful when you're pursuing a career in the arts.

C4 Atlanta, a non-profit arts service organization, is teaming with the Office of the Arts at Georgia Tech to help aspiring creators use the most advanced tools available in their creative and entrepreneurial lives.

The two groups are hosting TechsmARTs, a meetup/discussion group which will bring artists together with arts professionals, gallery owners and educators to help jump-start their creative careers.

Participants can learn about production techniques and marketing strategies.

"C4 Atlanta has always held the belief that artists and technologists are creative thinkers who have more in common than not," said executive director Jessyca Holland.

The next session will be held on Sept. 14, from 10:30 to noon. It's titled "Boomers, Xers and Millennials," discussing how arts patrons from different generations use social media. It will be held at the Atlanta Contemporary Arts Center, 535 Means St. N.W., Atlanta.

Later sessions will cover such topics as the ethics of "borrowed" imagery in the digital age.

The meetups are free and open to the public.

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