Nearly four years after "Fast and Furious" star Paul Walker's tragic death, his mother, Cheryl, and brother, Caleb, joined "The Dr. Oz Show" for an interview, which aired Thursday, People magazine reports. During the chat, Cheryl recalled the moment she learned of Walker's fatal 2013 car accident.

“I had had a really nice conversation with Paul that morning,” she said. “He was in my home, he left to go to the event, and so I was expecting him back in the early afternoon, evening. And we had plans with his daughter, too, to decorate a Christmas tree that night.”

Later that day, a family friend came over to deliver the heartbreaking news.

“I think I was in the kitchen and then I heard somebody come in and I looked and it was a friend of mine. Somebody that Paul knew, too. [A] family friend,” she continued. “And she looked like she just lost somebody, you know, she looked very upset. And then other people started arriving, including the two young men that Paul grew up with that were trying to get him out of the car.”

Despite the help of Walker’s family and friends, his mother admitted that she sometimes still found it difficult to continue on without him.

“I felt guilty for even feeling like that, but I really honestly would wish that I didn’t have to wake up in the morning,” she said. “I would never have taken my life, but I really felt that way. Because when you wake up, you have to realize it’s real, and you relive it all over again.”

Caleb, who shot scenes for “Furious 7” as his brother’s character, noted that while the experience was difficult, he’s glad he did it.

“I always wanted to be like him growing up, and so stepping into his shoes was special, but it was too soon, you know, looking back at it. Like, it was, like, just a few months afterward,” he said. “But the most special part was getting to know his other family that he had been working with for 15 years. Every cast member, every person on the set all had a special, unique bond with Paul.”