Mel Gibson has worked to make up for his infamous anti-semitic rant while he was being arrested for a DUI in 2006 by quietly helping Holocaust survivors in the years since.
The actor, who said, "Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," during the incident, has reportedly been working with the charity Survivor Mitzvah Project.
The Survivor Mitzvah Project works to “bring emergency aid to Holocaust survivors in Eastern Europe who are in desperate need of food, medicine, heat and shelter,” according to the founder of the organization.
"Mel Gibson is helping Holocaust survivors in eight countries; it's remarkable. I have a great respect for people who turn their lives around, and I think that everyone makes mistakes in life, and I think the real proof of what kind of human being you are is what you do with that mistake," Zane Buzby, founder of the organization told Extra. "He's educated himself. He's done philanthropic work now, and I think that actions speak very loudly … and his actions have helped a lot of people."
An unnamed source close to the actor told People magazine that Gibson has been working with Survivor Mitzvah Project for a few years now.
Last year, Gibson reminisced on his "unfortunate" incident, saying, "I've never discriminated against anyone or done anything that sort of supports that reputation. And for one episode in the back of a police car on eight double tequilas to sort of dictate all the work, life's work and beliefs and everything else that I have and maintain for my life is really unfair."
“Mel wants to be remembered for his work,” the unnamed source told People magazine. “He has worked on his issues and has definitely shaped up.”
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