According to the Daily Beast, a newsletter sent by President Donald Trump's administration featured a story by Washington Post columnist Alexandra Petri and headlined, "Trump's budget makes perfect sense and will fix America, and I will tell you why."
The column was labeled ComPost, so it’s unclear how the Trump administration staff took the article – which featured lines like “AMERICA WILL BE STRONGER THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN!” (her emphasis) – seriously.
Petri issued a comment to the Daily Beast, telling the publication, “I am honored to finally be real, true news, which is all I’ve ever striven for.”
She added: “It goes to show that as long as you confirm what the Trump White House wants to believe, you, too, can be cited in an email – and you can even work for the mainstream media and do it!”
The columnist concluded her correspondence with the publication by saying that she “can’t stop laughing.”
Petri also wrote a follow-up story for The Washington Post. In that story, "How the White House made me Real News," she came to the conclusion that either White House officials "read it and loved it, especially the part where I wrote that all schoolchildren will be taught by an F-35 in a Make America Great Again hat, or they … did not read it but liked the headline."
The White House has yet to comment on the presumed mistake.
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