A Pennsylvania man from Bucks County who pleaded guilty to an attempted rape charge in 2013 and was sentenced 10 to 20 years in prison, not only planned and "wanted this [his] whole life," but also specifically targeted someone who looked like Paris Hilton.

Frank Yeager, 33, sought out rape victims as "full time work" and wrote in a note, "I truly enjoy the hunt and cannot wait for my prize." He compiled a list of more than 200 names, addresses and personal information of potential targets.

In a diary entry, Yeager said he was searching for a victim that looked like Paris Hilton, WCMH reported. His diary showed that he was fixated on raping real estate agents.

Judge H. Geoffrey Moulton Jr. upheld Yeager's sentence because of this and portrayed him as a full-blown psychopath who was obsessed with rape, Penn Live reported.

Yeager had plotted for five months to rape a Pennsylvania real estate agent by luring her to a property, and had even waited for her in the home with the lights off.

The woman was suspicious when Yeager came to her office, and she declined to show him the house. Instead, she told him to look at it for himself. Yeager shut off the lights and waited. When the woman didn't show, he went back to her office and made up a story that there was a water leak, but the agent didn't buy it.

A male co-worker, in the nick of time, walked into the office, and Yeager left. An investigation into the incident soon followed after a description of Yeager was sent to other real estate offices and many responded he had been showing up all over.

Police uncovered Yeager's plans for rape, other killings and suicide, as well as a "rape kit," including scissors, knives, binoculars, a ski mask, gloves, rope, two handguns, chain and duct tape.

Read more here.