Raising minimum wage is not good for America

President Biden has proposed raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour from the present sum of $8.20 per hour. This writer supports any plan which benefits any portion of the economy. However, raising the minimum wage does not accomplish the desired result.

The history of such increases reveals one significant impact may result in inflation. For example, a 25 percent raise of the minimum wage may result in a similar increase in other compensations up to the executive level. The working force from the basic level through the higher tiers is on scaled compensation rates.

A review of texts on this subject adds other dimensions. Though the labor force would benefit from an increase, those suffering poverty would experience more pain. The portion of the total labor force receiving the added pay may be as low as 10 percent. Other effects would be profit reduction, increased prices and/or work force reduction.


Fulton health dept. does great job with vaccine

I want to send out huge thanks to the Fulton County Health Department.

I was able to access their website in early January after hearing on 11 Alive that vaccines were going to be available according to the prioritized groups. Since I am in the ‘elderly’ category, I was able to get an appointment for the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine the second week of January. I was then contacted by email and advised to get the booster dose this week, which I just got. At both times, at both the Alpharetta vaccination location as well as at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium location downtown, I found the volunteers at the vaccination sites to be very friendly, helpful, polite and professional.

I am expressing these thanks, because I feel that public health workers are not being appreciated enough.


Vaccination process is a complete mess

The vaccination process is a mess: no vaccine and all sites full, long lines, no ability to sign up, and no way to contact anyone. Officials panicked and stupidly opened up the process to age 65 and above. Now the process is overloaded. People wanting a second shot are competing with people wanting a first shot. The demand is vastly larger than the process can do. It is not an orderly process. I had a second shot date for Feb. 16 on an official card. There was a line of 60 cars or more, and I was told my card was not sufficient to get the shot. Officials should immediately raise the age to 75 and get all of these people completely vaccinated and then lower age in five-year increments. Are officials smart enough to do it?


Bills based on lies should be defeated

Five bills purporting to make Georgia elections more secure are moving their way through the Georgia Legislature( SB67, SB71, SB89, SB93 and HB270). All five of these bills are predicated on the big lie that something was corrupt about our most recent election. Election officials of both parties said this was the most secure election ever. This election had the best turnout for a Georgia election in many years, despite the raging pandemic with no evidence of significant voter fraud. These bills are about voter suppression, not voter security.

The legislature should make voting easier and expand the franchise to every eligible voter. A clean, safe election with broad participation is a victory. Build on that. These bills must be defeated.