Give voters alternative to Biden or Trump

It is time for the Republican Party to give the American voters what should have been provided 200-plus years ago: expanded choice. The party is practically, if not officially, already split into the MAGAs (Trumpers) and Constitutional (never Trumpers).

Additional parties could be added: Gaetzers (clowns), etc. All other advanced democracies already have three-plus functioning relevant parties. Why not us? We desperately need an alternative to Biden or Trump. Nikki Haley?


Time to stop appeasement and get tough with Iran

The time has come; Iran needs to be put in its place. Time to stop their constant meddling in nations in the Middle East and in creating terrorism everywhere possible with their hate Israel and hate America ideology. Their religious leadership is totally misdirected and alone among nations and citizens with any degree of humanity and intelligence.

Stop the weak “appeasement” strategy used by the Biden administration and announce an immediate forceful action if all hostages are not immediately released and Iran agrees to stop fueling and supporting terrorism. Otherwise, we will take out their war revenue-generating oil infrastructure. No more sales of 3 million barrels of oil a day. America can easily ramp up to fill the void worldwide.

This action would be a good statement to the world that Biden’s appeasement strategy is over, and we are back to “making America great again.”


Republicans try again to subvert will of voters

They’re at it again. GOP politicians are looking for yet another way to subvert the will of the voters. This time, they’re threatening to overturn the election of Fani Willis, who was duly elected by the citizens of Fulton County.

To achieve this, they are taking advantage of a commission they created earlier this year, giving them the authority to remove elected district attorneys. Their new law uses very vague standards and allows Republicans to select every member of the commission.

When you consider these actions together with the GOP’s 2021 voter suppression law and discriminatory gerrymandering, the only conclusion is that far too many GOP politicians have a real disdain for Georgia’s voters.


Georgia lacks 5 core gun safety laws

Our AJC Political Insider is on the mark with a recent column: Georgia truly has “some of the most permissive gun laws in the nation.”

Georgia ranks 47th in the United States and is among the states in the “National Failure” group in the Everytown for Gun Safety ranking of states on the issue of gun violence/gun safety.

Georgia does not have a single one of the core group of five laws necessary. There is no law about secure gun storage, though a bill, HB141, was “heard” last year by the House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee.

It went nowhere, but at least it was acknowledged. No extreme risk law, better known as “red flag,” and no background checks on all gun sales. Georgia allows “stand your ground” and permitless carry when neither should be allowed if a state is serious about addressing gun violence. Not having the core group of five laws has to change.

We do not have to live this way.

These five laws are just a beginning, but we have to start somewhere.



In 2020, ministers and seminary students were sent to polling locations throughout the state to monitor, offer encouragement and diffuse tense situations as a part of the New Georgia Project’s Faith Initiative. (Christina Matacotta for the AJC)

Credit: Christina Matacotta for the AJC