Now casting: Samuel L. Jackson film seeking kids

Are you ready to make your mark on Atlanta's film and TV industry? Are you the next Tyler Perry? ATL is in need of young stars. Check out the Peach City's latest casting call for your chance at fame.

‘Son of Shaft’

A reboot of the popular blaxploitation film of the 1970s, "Son of Shaft" will star Samuel L. Jackson and Jessie T. Usher, according to Variety.

What are they looking for?

Kids age 7 to 12 are needed for a ‘90s flashback scene.

When are they filming?

Filming will be in Atlanta on Dec. 12, with a morning call time and an easy day. A quick fitting will be needed on Dec. 11 in Decatur.

How much does it pay?

Pay is to be determined.

How do I submit?

Send an e-mail to with "90s KIDS" in the subject line. Include a recent photo and all contact information.