Are you ready to make your mark on Atlanta's film and TV industry? Are you the next Tyler Perry? ATL is in need of young stars. Check out the Peach City's latest casting call for your chance at fame.

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‘Killer Mike Is Starting a New Country’

No details have been released about this project, which is from rapper/activist Michael "Killer Mike" Render of Atlanta.

What are they looking for?

You should be willing to submit a self-taped submission answering the following:

  1. Name and occupation
  2. What is wrong with America?
  3. Why would you want to join a brand new country? (Provide real reasons beyond the fact that Killer Mike is running it.)
  4. What role would you take on in a new country?
  5. What skills/assets could you bring to a new country where every citizen is asked to participate?

» RELATED: Take these classes and workshops to break into Georgia's film and TV industry

When are they filming?

Filming will be on Feb. 22-23. Transportation will be provided from Atlanta to the filming location (which will still be in Georgia).

How much does it pay?

Pay is $100 a day, and days will be long.

How do you submit?

Send your self-taped video submission (outlined above) to with the subject line "KILLER MIKE NEW COUNTRY."

» RELATED: 6 ways to nail your casting audition in Atlanta

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