Tiger cubs mauled a man to death at a wildlife park in southern India on Sunday, according to news reports.
"The victim was assisting the caretaker in pushing the cats into their enclosure for the night when they turned around and pounced on him as one of the four gates was not shut and latched by then," the park's boss, Santosh Kumar, told the Guardian.
The accident happened at Bannerghatta Biological Park on the outskirts of Bangalore where Anjeneya was helping with two 18-month-old tiger cubs, the Hindu reported.
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A preliminary investigation revealed that Anjeneya did not latch one of the gates of the tigers’ enclosure.
Kumar told the Guardian that park officials were trying to get to the 35-year-old man, who goes by Anji, after he was attacked, but the tigers were guarding his body and would not allow them near it, the Hindu reported.
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Workers staged a strike following the incident asking for better pay for park employees and compensation for Anji's son. They told the Hindu that Anji was hired just a week ago to help clean the zoo, which houses more than 1,900 animals.
Read more at the Guardian or the Hindu.
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