The Vent

Another name for political correctness is censorship.

Why is it that when schools have a snow or ice day, the students cannot make it to school but can make it to the mall?

Maybe colleges announce closings before elementary schools because elementary schools don't have students who drive over an hour to class.

Thank you for using your turn signal. Would you now please get into the turning lane before you slow down?

There are plenty of stupid people in Georgia. Driving isn't the only thing they can't do.

Getting your car sprayed on by a brine salt truck is something you don't want to happen.

What a shame! Bobbi Kristina could be on her death bed, and all her family seems to do is bicker among themselves.

Colleges announce delay and closing times because they actually know what they are doing. School systems, not so much.

It has been pretty cold the last few months, and blacktop roads retain heat much better than the land on either side. All those skunks in the road are just trying to stay warm.

Milk, chocolate milk, bread, eggs and candy, I'm ready. Bring it on!

Oh, don't be too sure there wasn't a plan on maintaining Interstate 75 on the south side. Just not a palatable one.

Why is everyone called a kid now? College kids, working kids, the list goes on. How old are those that keep calling everyone kids. The 5-year-olds are kids, not college students.

Why aren't bank tellers behind bullet proof glass, and why don't banks have a metal detector space before anyone can get into the bank?

What idiot would go to a casino and get redeemable tickets, when less than two hours away is Cherokee for real money?

Cornbread, buttermilk, two Whoppers with cheese, two large fries, cherry vanilla ice cream, popcorn, lemonade and salad with boiled eggs, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, carrots and cheese topped with buttermilk dressing. That's not a last meal, it's a last month of meals!

Am I the only one offended when radio and TV personalities, who have driven to work on storm days, tell me to stay home?