Q: About 3-4 years ago, they were going to widen Ga. 92 in Acworth from Glade Road to U.S. 41, that included going over a bridge at Lake Allatoona. I was wondering what happened with that because I have seen no signs widening it.

—Shirley Pyle, Dallas

A: The Georgia Department of Transportation has two projects that will improve that stretch of road.

One will widen Ga. 92/Lake Acworth Drive from U.S 41/Ga. 3/Cobb Parkway to Glade Road, creating a divided four-lane road with 11-foot lanes on the inside and 12-foot lanes on the outside, GDOT spokeswoman Karlene Brown told Q&A on the News in an email.

A raised concrete median will separate the two sides of the road, which will be flanked by a 10-foot multi-use trail on the east and 5-foot sidewalk on the west.

A separate project will replace the bridge over Lake Acworth with a new structure that will be approximately 1,500 feet long.

The total length of the project, including the bridge replacement, is approximately 2.8 miles.

Right-of-way acquisition is under way, and GDOT is scheduled to hire a contractor in November 2017.

“A project of this magnitude is expected to take between 2-2½ years to complete,” Brown wrote.

Allison Floyd with Fast Copy News Service wrote this column. Do you have a question about the news? We’ll try to get the answer. Call 404-222-2002 or email q&a@ajc.com (include name, phone and city).