Q: I would like to know how author Amanda Kyle Williams, who lives in Decatur, is doing. She's written three books that I know of, but not since she's developed cancer. I was just concerned about her.

—Jane Purcell, Decatur

A: Williams, a crime novelist, provided Q&A on the News with this update via email: "I was in remission for a few month but my cancer came back in 2017. It was spreading quickly. I've tried several treatments — chemo, immunotherapy, Avastin infusions. Next we try radiation to see if we can slow this train down."

Williams was diagnosed with stage 3 endometrial cancer in February 2014. Her first book was the 2010 crime thriller, “The Stranger You Seek,” followed by “Stranger in the Room” in 2012 and “Don’t Talk to Strangers” in 2014. The series’ heroine is Keye Street.

She adds that she’s told her type of cancer is incurable.

“I see that as a challenge,” she wrote. “I still plan to kick its ass, Keye Street style.”

Williams’ work also has appeared in short story collections, and she has been a freelance writer for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. She also is a founding director of LifeLine Animal Project, a no-kill animal welfare nonprofit.

Q&A on the News runs Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Fast Copy News Service wrote this column. Do you have a question? We’ll try to get the answer. Call 404-222-2002 or email q&a@ajc.com (include name, phone and city).