On Easter, President Donald Trump tweeted multiple times about DACA. The left wonders if he understands what it is.

A roundup of articles and editorials looks at the issue:

1. Does Trump even understand DACA?

From The Baltimore Sun: "Now, that's a lot of disinformation and tantrum-throwing for one man on the holiest day of the Christian calendar (and echoed in a series of tweets Monday morning), but let's review."

2. Trump's ignorance about DACA is stunning

From CNN: "So much for the spirit of Holy Week. ... His social media outburst was as at best uninformed, and at worst blatantly misleading. In short, it was unpresidential."

3. Trump's latest unhinged tweetstorm is worse than it appears

From The Washington Post: "Trump actually appears to be making a very real argument about people seeking asylum in the United States that should not escape notice."