Those who lollygag in the left lane of highways and interstates could be ticketed under legislation approved in the state House on Wednesday.

House Bill 459, by Rep. Bill Hitchens, R-Rincon, was approved 162-9.

The bill makes it a misdemeanor for any driver on a divided highway who does not move to the right when a car going faster approaches from behind.

“Everybody knows this is the slow-poke bill,” Hitchens said.

Hitchens said he knows enforcement will be difficult — an officer will have to witness it happening.

“My reason for doing this is more for an educational opportunity for people who don’t understand you’re not supposed to ride 55, 60 mph in that left lane when you’ve got 15, 16, 17 people lined up behind you.”

That kind of situation has been known to be “the spark that ignites road rage,” Hitchens said, adding that it’s really just good manners.