Something swooped in and ruined a California college student’s sweet treat, and her documentation of the incident has gone viral.

According to Buzzfeed, the UCLA student, who is only identified as Kris, took two photographs of her ice cream cone, only to have a winged thief steal her treat.

Kris was visiting Santa Barbara with her family and decided to buy an ice cream cone while walking along Stearns Wharf, according to Buzzfeed. Like any good millennial would, Kris took the opportunity to share her ice cream, and scenery, on Snapchat.

"I got my ice cream first, so I came out and you could see all of Santa Barbara from where I was standing, so yeah - I thought it would be a pretty picture and I took it,” Kris told Buzzfeed.

Unhappy with the lighting in her first photo attempt, she tried again, but this time the picture took an unexpected turn. Kris captured the moment when a seagull dropped down from the sky and took a bite out of her ice cream.

Unaware that she captured the moment on her phone, Kris returned to her family, laughing about what had happened. It wasn’t until her cousin asked if she had the photograph that she realized she did.