From U.S. House Speaker John Boehner’s blog Dec. 2:
“The American people want both parties to focus on solutions to our still-struggling economy. …
“The president, on the other hand, has ignored the will of the American people and he’s refused to listen. … His decision to take unilateral action on immigration – action he himself said exceeded his authority – makes it harder for the American people and their elected representatives to trust his word on any issue.”
From a Dec. 4 press release by U.S. Rep. Tom Price, R-Roswell:
“The American people expect a healthy debate and legitimate disagreements over policy. But they want the Congress and the president to engage in those discussions with respect and adherence to the rule of law and the constitutional duties we have sworn an oath to uphold.
“President Obama has shown particular disdain for the legitimate checks and balances of our democracy by directly contravening the immigration laws of this land and with them the will of the American people. In August, House Republicans first voted to prohibit the president’s overreach. Today, the House of Representatives has used its next tool within our legislative authority to state unequivocally that the Executive Branch does not have the authority, and should not be allowed, to trample on the Constitution.
“So long as the president and his allies in Congress continue to put their executive amnesty ahead of fidelity to the rule of law, we must and we will continue to seek to hold the administration accountable.”
From a statement by Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens:
“We are a nation of immigrants, and I value the many contributions made to our country by immigrants. We are also a nation of laws. As the complaint itself states, ‘This lawsuit is not about immigration. It is about the rule of law, presidential power, and enforcement of the U.S. Constitution.’ There is no question that immigration reform is needed. However, President Obama’s unconstitutional, short-term action only adds to uncertainty faced by those wishing to live in our country. In the President’s own words from April 20, 2011, ‘I can’t solve this problem by myself… . We’re going to have to change the laws in Congress.’ It is unfortunate that the President has decided to change course.
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