Commenters on the AJC Get Schooled blog were upset with a cellphone video of a DeKalb County middle school student repeatedly punching another student in a supervised suspension classroom. Here is a sample of comments:

Looking4Truth: About five years ago, I had a sixth-grade boy corner another boy in the back of my room during class change, when I was required to be in the hall. Other students came to get me. I ran in and went over to the fight and picked up the attacker, who by this time had the victim on the ground. I immediately called an administrator and self-reported the incident. When the parent of the attacker wanted to attack me for putting my hands on her precious darling bully, the principal and the AP were both on my side. I guess administrators like that are few and far between.

Astro: I really wish the attacker picked the wrong kid to attack. As in, I wish the victim here had been a tae-kw0n-do or karate prodigy who would have just beat the snot out of his attacker.

Dean: The sad part: The attacker will be sent to alternative school for three months and be allowed to return to his home school.

Read: The discipline problems get put right back in the classroom time and time again. I got a girl back after she struck her previous teacher and had a long list of other offenses. Most corrective actions consist of administrators writing "talked to student" as the remediation. The current legal system is to blame for many of the issues teachers are forced to deal with on a daily basis. Teachers get no respect from students, parents and especially administrators. It always comes down to what the teacher is doing or not doing correctly to cause the problem. When will the student and parent be held responsible?

PJ: This is acceptable behavior now, and to discipline them isn't politically correct.

Angela: This is just pathetic. The student should definitely not ever be allowed back in this school, and the parents and or guardians should have to suffer financial loss in a major way. The children have no respect for each other, authority or themselves.

GaDem: But the group-think echo chamber crowd doesn't want police officers in the schools. It's like they want full-blown anarchy.

SlyDawg: All children go to school displaying many of the traits their parents exhibit in the home, including trash-talking and taunting.

Jeff: So the attacker goes to juvenile jail and never returns to a public school. Anyone filming also is kicked out of school, forever. Make it hurt, or these folks will not care. And yes, these schools are basically worthless because of the troublemakers who could care less about getting educated. I dare any self-respecting parent to go and actually spend time in these schools, then tell me how great they are doing. Yes, in my day, if a kid did even a fraction of what passes for normal in schools now, he/she would be kicked out on the spot.