Today we offer more reader comments on immigration reform gleaned from two days of coverage on our Opinion page.

Starik: America needs to remain a county that welcomes immigrants who come here to work hard and become good citizens. If we don't let the illegals stay, we're cheating ourselves.

Whirled Peas: Not voting for immigration reform does not mean we want the existing system. We want the existing border enforced and the jobs of illegal immigrants given to legal residents — things not being done well now. Without jobs or stuff provided by the taxpayers, illegal immigrants will return home. Lets give these jobs to people here legally. I recently retired from The Big Phone Co. I watched them bring in two workers from Egypt who they paid little. Then, they sat the Egyptians down with an American and made him show them how he did his job. A year later, they laid off the American and kept the Egyptians. No wonder they want to increase the number of immigrants.

Adelsberger: I resent the Catholic bishops of the United States supporting those who come into our country illegally, all the while enjoying the benefits extended to them at the expense of American taxpayers. Where is the social justice for underemployed and unemployed American citizens? Where is the social justice for those who have done the right thing by applying to enter our country legally and waiting patiently in line for their request to be approved? They have been made fools of by those who walk across our borders with impunity and are rewarded with the possibility of citizenship for their misdeeds. Where is the social justice for those American citizens who live in cities that are being taken over by illegal drug gangs? Where do the poor illegals get the money to pay the coyotes who usher them into our country? If we had the support the bishops are now giving illegal aliens, we might have been able to save the 53 million babies that have been the victims of abortion. We have many left-wing bishops heading our churches and undermining our country. God have mercy on them.

Pastor George: If you feel like the world is crashing all around you because of undocumented immigration, fair enough, but the Bible is probably not the best book to turn to if you are trying to propagate this belief. Just trying to be helpful.

Dusty: We reform the immigration system? What immigration system? With 12 million illegal immigrants living in this country, I do not think we have a system at all. I suggest we send a bill for each and every illegal in this country to the country from which they came. The amount would be a total from … all the health care, school charges, prison care and government support costs run up by them.