Police Department, Hall deserve thanks

I wanted to extend thanks to our Zone 5 police officers and Atlanta City Councilman Kwanza Hall.

The weekend of Nov. 5, vandals targeted my condo complex, causing thousands of dollars in property damage.

A representative from Hall’s office and police Sgt. David McGinnis attended a community meeting.

I know the APD has higher priorities, but they did far more than I expected. McGinnis and investigators made multiple visits to our neighborhood, and in the days after the incident we noticed an increased police presence.

The chief of staff for Hall has also met with residents and has offered to connect us with other condo associations for advice on enhancing our security.

I know our problems are trivial in the big picture. It’s just nice that even the little things merit the attention of our brave police officers and admirable public officials.

Dan Whisenhunt, Atlanta

Counties, universities should work together

Regarding “Secretary pay draws fire” (Metro, Nov. 12), I was dismayed to read that yet again, a metro county has turned to a consulting firm to provide an answer to its problem — in this case, DeKalb County Schools hiring a company for about $175,000.

With exemplary universities in the immediate area with expertise in numerous disciplines, these counties are squandering much-needed funds and the opportunity to partner with these fine institutions.

This should provide an elegant solution for both parties (the metro area and the universities) by allowing grad students in their fields of expertise and their universities to give back to the community that supports them and to the counties that sorely need their help.

Edla Ringue, Marietta

Did Democrats forget that word they said?

A letter writer states that the economy went haywire in 2007 — before President Barack Obama took office — and that it’s easy for the Republicans to just say “no” to everything (“Meltdown is Obama’s faulty? That’s funny,” Readers write, Opinion, Nov. 14).

Wasn’t it the Democrats who said that word when President George Bush wanted to reform Social Security or tighten financial controls? Wasn’t it the Democrats who backed Fannie and Freddie right to the end?

Laura Kent, Loganville