Don’t underestimate the power of Trump

Whether you love Donald Trump or dislike him, give the man credit. He has the backbone and guts to call it like it is. I love the way he is handling those so-called TV analysts when they ask him questions. He does not let them dominate him and, in fact, he keeps them off-balance. Politicians and political prognosticators are going to be surprised at this man.

I am happy there is someone who will stand up, and does not let “political correctness” scare them. Go, Donald, go. This is going to be an exciting election. Do not underestimate this man.

Bobby Huckeba, Marietta


Stay-at-home Lieberman wants others to fight, die

Regarding “Stronger U.S. role pushed” (News, April 25): To nobody’s surprise, fearless Sen. Joe Lieberman urges us to intervene in Libya: “I think it [the U.N. Security Council resolution] gives justification if NATO decides it wants to, for going directly after Gadhafi.”

To be sure, Joe doesn’t intend to “go after” anyone; he will stay home. He simply wants our children to do the fighting and dying.

Isn’t it enough that we’re already spilling blood and treasure in two wars, neither one of which makes sense?

Herbert Shafer, Sandy Springs


Obama uses dirty tactics in effort to get re-elected

When we go to a doctor, we want the best we can find, one who has the most experience and education in his field.

When we elected Barack Obama as president, we threw all of those prerequisites out the window.

We elected an articulate, well-spoken individual whose only qualification to be president consisted of a law degree; no experience in the private sector, and no experience in how to create wealth, or private sector jobs. We are stuck with Obama for at least two more years, with no sign that anyone in his administration has the background or solutions to put us back on track. We are burdened with egg-head academics with less experience than Obama who are trying to solve problems they are not qualified to handle.

He is attempting to get re-elected by dividing this nation into competing groups, and pontificating about the evils of capitalism, and vilifying those who disagree with his policies. His coziness with crony capitalists (who are more than ready to shill for him) can be called the worst form of political pay-back.

Tom Gambeski, Jasper


Exercise our muscle by joining gas strike

Consumers have the power! Let’s exercise our muscle by joining the upcoming world-wide gas strike.

Use as little gas as possible until the price drops below $3 per gallon. Walk; ride a bike; bus; or just drive more efficiently, to use as little gas as possible. Let the oil and gas futures speculators eat their gas futures!

Roger Marietta, AlbanY