U.S. action a chance for new partnerships

Many of the critics of our current Libya policy, including Bob Barr in “Libya strategy a costly mistake” (Opinion, March 28), fail to grasp the reason we are venturing into the Libya mess.

When the uprisings in multiple Arab countries occurred, the United States was in the unenviable position of being the primary supporter of the status quo in those countries. For decades, we had supported the regimes now being overthrown and for the Arab masses, throwing off the “yoke of oppression” meant not only purging their leaders but their benefactors as well. The Libya fighting allowed us a quick and relatively easy way to go from being looked upon as “supporter of the oppressor” to “protector of the forces fighting for freedom.” Furthermore, we were helping throw out a long-time enemy of the U.S.

Eric Sandberg, Atlanta


Taylor’s life was more than tabloid fodder

I found Steve Breen’s cartoon (Opinion, March 28) to be without tact.

To focus only upon Elizabeth Taylor’s marriages is indeed an insult to her life. Elizabeth’s life was rich with acting and rich with many good deeds. She should be known for how much she gave to those who needed help. Elizabeth Taylor was at the helm of the AIDS cause when it could have hampered her career. She was so dedicated that she received awards for her AIDS assistance. Try thinking of something nice to say in the next cartoon — instead of belittling people first.

Madelyn Spiegelman, Dunwoody


Words, deeds are religions’ touchstones

Regarding the March 28 letter “God bless the America that respects all faiths” (Readers write), Christians would agree that it is wise to trust more in the word of God than in the word of man. The Bible teaches to test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. Although we rightfully allow all the freedom to practice their religion, God’s word says that there are enemies of the cross of Christ both within and outside the church. Check out the doctrine, statements and actions of any faith before embracing them as like-minded in the practice and preaching of the Christian faith.

Walt Farmer, McDonough


Don’t push workers underground; tax them

The Georgia Legislature should be trying to find ways to tax illegal immigrants (as opposed to pushing them further in the background). The Legislature should acknowledge that Georgia business needs the workers.

An example to follow would be a proposal of the Utah Legislature that issues a guest worker identification card and a state tax number. Utah expects to collect millions per year from issuing the ID card plus taxes on wages earned.

When Georgia is hard-pressed for revenues, why not create a way for the “illegals” to pay taxes? It is very hypocritical to say these people do not pay taxes when the government does not allow a tax number for the people to pay taxes.

Don Aldridge, Alpharetta