Founding Fathers and the art of compromise

With reference to the failure of the supercommittee to reach an agreement, this is yet another sad demonstration of our dysfunctional Congress.

Where are the far-sighted and courageous congressional leaders we need to bring our nation through these difficult times?

Those who constantly invoke our Founding Fathers as their role models should consider how leaders like George Washington, James Madison and Benjamin Franklin worked for the compromises that ultimately enabled our Constitution to be ratified and our young nation to prosper.

Their consensus-building approach was far different from the ultra-partisanship we now see in Congress.

Perhaps those who oppose any compromise should ponder a greater truth: a house divided against itself cannot stand.

Harry Findley, Atlanta

Train ride is worth longer commute time

I have been a regular MARTA commuter for 10 years, and am writing in regard to Wendell Cox’s “The real issue is travel times” (Opinion, Nov. 22).

He is correct — my average time commuting on the train from Sandy Springs to my office is longer than the average time I would spend driving.

However, when I take the train to work I read the newspaper on the way and arrive at work feeling relaxed, informed, invigorated by the 15- minute walk to my office and ready for a productive day.

When I drive (on average), I get there faster — but arrive harried, frustrated and sometimes angry.

The average time is shorter, but the variation is larger. It’s never taken two hours to get home by train, but it’s occasionally taken even longer by car.

Thanks — but I’ll keep using transit.

Alfred D. Andrew, Dunwoody

Politicians take money from our pension fund

When will a responsible politician explain to us that the so-called “payroll tax” is what pays for Social Security?

Social Security was intended to be a retirement insurance program.

It was money to be saved so that every American would have a pension upon retirement.

It is bankrupt because politicians spent the funds that were meant to be saved for the contributors.

If a private company had committed this crime of collecting money for pension purposes and spending it on other programs, the company officers would have been convicted and sent to prison.

If any of our current U.S. representatives or senators wish to stand up and be counted and tell us how to stop this thievery it would be appreciated.

Do we have any takers?

Bill Jukins, Dunwoody