Quell the rumors about death tied to Obamacare
Now that the validity of the president’s U.S. citizenship has been confirmed, I sincerely hope that we do not hear rumors from members of the tea party that Osama bin Laden was actually killed by a death panel that was part of Obamacare.
Gerson Paull, Atlanta
True credit goes to Navy Seals, and not to Obama
President Barack Obama was quick to claim credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden. Well, I have no doubt that he OK’d the operation, but his announcement seems to imply that his predecessor made bin Laden a low priority. Anyone who knows anything at all about the Bush administration knows that is simply untrue. One would hope that Obama would have been as willing to give Bush credit for something he did right as he has been to blame him for anything that is wrong with the country. In any case, the real credit should go to the Navy Seals, who did the job.
Richard Dowis, Waleska
Violent weather results from our own bad acts
The storms and tornadoes that occurred in the South recently resulted in severe damage to property, and significant loss of life. I don’t need to look up anything on the Web to tell me that these storms indicate significant change. Global warming is a reality. Given our unrelenting production of greenhouse gases, these events are likely to get worse.
We humans are creating the conditions that are making the weather react so violently. Each of us has the opportunity to be part of the solution, but we must first accept responsibility for our contribution to the problem. When I drive on our roads and see people riding in SUVs or gas-guzzling trucks, I think that the reality that is upon us is not being absorbed by the majority of our population.
Our inability to see that we directly contribute to the tragedy of our neighbors is the short-sightedness that is creating the situation. This is not a political issue, but a moral issue. It’s time to ask yourself what side of the line you stand on.
W. Alexander Escobar, senior lecturer, Emory University
Enough is enough on ridiculous gas prices
Everyone knows how the price of gas affects us all. It also affects the economic recovery; unemployment; our deficits; national debt; and even our national security (because of the vast amounts the military needs). Consumers seem powerless to do anything to reverse the gouging going on by all the oil companies, and any president has only limited choices without Congress getting on board, which many members refuse to do, because they’re funded by oil interests.
Enough is enough. Consumers, get prepared to retaliate. Here’s how: We must all buy gas, but we can choose where. Boycott all gas company stores. Make them “ghost stores.” Buy your gas elsewhere until the price of gas drops below $2.50.
Make the company stores’ profits disappear. Then, maybe they’ll get the message, and quit gouging us. Try it. What do we have to lose?
David Cox, Lilburn