What’s wrong with affordable care?

It is hard to understand why people write to the AJC and complain about the Affordable Health Care Act. I have heard various estimates of the number of Americans who are without health care insurance, but any of these estimates are outrageous in the country, which is supposed to be the leader of the world. What is wrong with everyone having good and affordable health care?

I am tired of paying for the health care of others. It is time for all Americans to assume the responsibility of caring for their own health care and the health care of their family members. Isn’t this what America is all about — assuming personal responsibility? When the health care system consistently ranks low among other countries in the delivery of health care to its residents, it is time to quit saying the U.S. health care system is “the world’s premier health care system.” We deserve better.


‘No Plan B’ argument is not acceptable

I am amazed that the supporters of the T-SPLOST think that “there is no Plan B” is an acceptable argument for passing this thing. Voting for a bad plan just because no other plan has been formulated yet is not good sense. A bad plan is still bad — even if it has no competition yet.


Health care law is assault on liberty

A letter writer (“Why the uproar over new requirement?” Readers write, Opinion, July 8) wonders about the difference between the health care mandate and car insurance. This is simple: You don’t have to drive. Then you won’t need car insurance.

And I agree with others that this new health care law is an assault on our liberty.


Don’t kick people when they’re down

Regarding “Give a hand up, not handout” (Opinion, July 12), there are thousands of people in Georgia who are unemployed — and you want to reform the food stamp system?

Imagine for a minute that you were laid off through no fault of your own. Your home is foreclosed on. You have a family to feed. What would you do? Can you have an ounce of compassion for someone less fortunate than yourself? Does the Bible not command us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and care for the sick?

A trip to your local soup kitchen or food pantry would do you a world of good. These are people — not leeches on your pocketbook. Talk to them, hand out a few meals and ask them why they’re there. You will be surprised.

If you want to save the government money, work to eliminate corporate welfare and tax breaks for billionaires. If you want to help the unemployed, work to create jobs. Don’t kick people when they’re down.