Time for candidates to show some courage

It is time for President Barack Obama and former-Gov. Romney to stop throwing barbs at each other and to have the courage to stand up and state, “This is my plan to get this country back on its feet with positive economic growth.”

Their individual plans may not be popular with all sectors of their own parties or elements of the rest of the electorate, but that is where courage and leadership come in.

Of course, this approach has an element of risk (which most politicians appear averse to).

Most successful presidents demonstrated the courage of their convictions and did what they considered to be the right thing for the country, despite the sniping of left- or right-wing opponents.



Pass the Save Our Climate Act

Regarding “North Pole ice cap smallest ever” (News, Sept. 20), lap belts and cigarettes leap out at us when we watch old movies.

What do you think will leap out at us in another 30 years?

If the common thread is that we didn’t understand what price we paid for our pleasures, today’s “smallest-ever” polar ice cap, the oil rush into the Arctic and the schizophrenic “weather reports,” which daily notify us of the records being broken, seem doomed to look dated.

A concrete and practical change would be passage of the Save Our Climate Act, which would put a rising fee on fossil energy to put into use market forces and re-align price and cost.



Romney has the needed business skills

Regarding “Romney doesn’t have to worry about me” (Readers write, Opinion, Sept. 21), this letter writer is quite right; Mitt Romney has never had to contend with the tribulations of the 47 percent — a group to which I, a livery chauffeur, happen to belong.

Now that we are both in our retirement years, this writer should be happy to know that Romney plans to return money to Medicare that President Barack Obama has stolen to fund his health care boondoggle.

Romney’s very successful career was that of a man who “turned around” failing businesses by applying sound, practical, strictly business-based solutions.

His business background is in stark contrast to that of the president, who has run our country into unprecedented debt, alienated our allies and encouraged our enemies, while succeeding in having our national credit rating downgraded.

The federal government is the biggest business in the world, and it is in intensive care.

Only Romney has the knowledge and business skills to turn our fate around, and bring America back to good health.