Simple prescription for politicians, voters

You omitted several critical words from the headline of your Nov. 2 Editorial. It should have been "Read, learn, understand, think, then vote." And what should those who wish to vote intelligently read? How about the plainly written and easily understood 4,400-word English instruction manual for the United States of America called the Constitution? Those who have taken the time to do that will have a major advantage over many of the candidates who appeared on the ballots before them. As should be clear by now, most of them have not read the document, let alone understand it.


Race-baiting columnist laughable

I didn’t know whether to gag or laugh at Leonard Pitts’ assertion that some media voices like Fox News and Rush Limbaugh cannot be trusted because they are biased “Most-popular sources really not so trustworthy” (Opinion, Nov. 2). Pitts claims that CNN can be trusted because it “eschews any Ideological identifier.” Really? Anyone familiar with CNN stars, past and present, knows that they lean so far left that their knuckles drag the ground. Is it any wonder people are forsaking CNN in search of fair reporting? And if Pitts is concerned with a balanced viewpoint, then his leftist, anti-white, vicious columns should be returned to the racist cesspool where his opinion originates. Race relations will improve only when bigots like him become irrelevant and are ignored.


Blame Obama for good economy too?

I was “saddened” to see the item “Gas falling under $3 nationwide,” (Business, Nov. 1). And I was saddened with redoubled vigor to note that the Dow Jones has rallied to 17,390. Now I can assert that it is all “Obama’s fault.” Americans were forced to drive more-efficient vehicles. What a pity! It was definitely “Obama’s fault.” Crude oil’s price per barrel fell from $107 to $81. It was nothing but “Obama’s fault.” Years ago, the stock market was in a slump, and it was nobody’s fault. Now, the market rose to all-time high, and it was positively “Obama’s fault.” We hear the election cry, “Let’s get rid of the Obama cronies and let’s get back our country” reverberating across the South. Only one thing that we don’t know: What do we mean by ‘taking back our country?’ “


Citizens determine how pols behave

I’m not sure if its funny or sad, but the idea that people are up in arms about an attorney general’s wife’s email just may be the least of our worries, or at least it should be. We have real problems in this country and the fact that our politicians play to the crowd and go the lowest common denominator route is not surprising. We citizens spend a lot of time complaining about our elected officials, but in reality they are just following our lead. They’re really just a reflection of our society at this point in time. We tell them to stop bickering, work out a solution to our issues, and fix our problems, but how many of us accept our particular senator or congressman who dares to try? Usually the first person to step up and try working with the opposite side is immediately skewered and branded a traitor. How can we expect more from our elected officials than we are willing to give?


Media bias in election news

I am fed up with your liberal political bias, AJC. Where are the articles about this being a landslide election, that the electorate has made a statement against the democrat agenda, Obamacare and Obama? Reading from your mobile app, the first article I see is, “Is there a silver lining for Democrats?” Are you kidding me? What about the opportunities for reform these newly elected men and women represent? I am a conservative, Republican woman and I vote. But all I’m seeing are articles about the demographics of the election, not the substance. Where are the historic stories about conservative minorities, young adults and women elected this year? Are identity politics only of interest when they lean liberal? If it had been a Democrat landslide, would your lead article be, “Is there a silver lining here for Republicans”? I doubt it. There would be a palpable celebratory tone to your pages as when Obama was elected, not the somber navel-gazing of Wednesday’s articles. Your unmistakable political bias is a large part of your newspaper’s growing irrelevancy.