Gun control illustration needed better analogy
In an effort to make gun-control legislation look ridiculous, cartoonist William Warren compares guns with cutlery and cars (Opinion, Aug. 12).
Everyone knows that controlling the language makes a huge impact on the message. What Warren’s cartoon omits is the extensive regulation and licensing involved in car ownership precisely because cars driven improperly, drunkenly or intentionally can, and do, kill.
The obvious analogy is better regulation and licensing of gun ownership, for heaven’s sake.
We should screen applicants for the irresponsible, immature, untrained and potentially criminal persons who can, and do, kill with guns.
Credit cards should be subject to scrutiny
“Spending by Beltline staff under scrutiny” (News, Aug. 12) is another example of why bureaucratic handlers of taxpayer monies cannot be trusted.
How many of these examples of taxpayer fraud and waste must we endure before bureaucrats get the message?
Hats off to Atlanta’s chief operating officer Duriya Farooqui for taking a stand against this type of misuse of taxpayer funds. But why are we always reactive after the fact, and not proactive before?
My working career was spent in the private sector at large companies. I can assure you that this type of waste does not occur easily at private firms. My expense reports were questioned at the slightest hint of an inappropriate item. If a company credit card was used for an expense, it was listed as a line item on an expense report.
Why is it that government-issued credit cards are not subject to the same scrutiny?
Bad spending justifies why T-SPLOST lost
“Spending by Beltline staff under scrutiny” (News, Aug. 12) was an informative but disturbing article regarding apparent inappropriate spending by the Beltline staff.
I see this as excellent justification for T-SPLOST being voted down. It’s scary to think of how much waste could have occurred with a bigger pile of money to play with.
Public often assumes money will be wasted
The recent loss of the T-SPLOST referendum was emblematic of a shift in taxpayer willingness to continue to support politicians who seem to run for office to enrich or empower themselves.
While historical confidence in those we elect has always been low, the latest evidence of bad behavior and corrupt narcissism has finally reached a point where many people will vote against anything, with the assumption that monies will be wasted or line someone’s pocket. An extension of this disgust is the growing habit of many to vote for anyone but the incumbent. Hopefully, this rejection of the political status quo will eventually install a class of politicians more willing to serve the interests of the people.
While it may be hard to determine when or if this change occurs, maybe something as simple as seeing if the ruling class continues to name every bridge in the metro area for themselves would be a good start.
Response to Mike Luckovich cartoon, Opinion, Aug. 12
The Mike Luckovich cartoon of Paul Ryan holding a “No Medicare” sign is absurd. Ryan is committed to altering and saving Medicare — not letting it go bankrupt, as current plans will do. I guess we better prepare for months of attacks on Ryan for simply having the courage to address our real problems. It’s clear that the current administration is not going to address these problems, preferring instead to just spend, spend, spend.
Dana R. Hermanson, Marietta