Arrest rates a shameful disparity

The data in Sunday’s AJC on metro Atlanta’s arrest rate of blacks and whites is compelling evidence of a truly major issue in our society. This needs immediate attention. Not just speeches, homilies, hand wringing and endless committee meetings, but a real priority effort to root out this evil in our midst. How could we have let this problem grow to such an extent when our very own recent history should have shown us the perils of racism and prejudice? This is not just a black problem, or a police problem, this is a problem for all who live here and unless we solve it, this cancer will consume us. I was shocked to see numbers that make no sense whatsoever given our demography. My own city, Roswell, a seemingly model living environment, has a black arrest rate of almost five times that of whites. How can we live with that when black people make up only 12 percent of our population?


DeKalb waste continues to show

Once again the AJC shows that there doesn’t seem to be any part of Dekalb County government that is not rife with corruption, fraud, or waste. Aside from the improbability of legitimate overtime performed by many water and sewer employees, there is a lot of personnel waste. As your work site photo shows, there are perhaps one or two people working in the repair pit with six people standing around watching. This has been my observation for years watching any Dekalb County water or sewer repair — one or two guys doing the work while a gaggle of other guys are standing around watching. Is this what we are paying overtime for? The county water/sewer rates continue to rise and the CEO seems unwilling or unable to take control of the situation.


Real reason for racial rift

Your article on facts and reality regarding the Ferguson incident leaves the reader to believe it is the fault of society and I will not accept that. Where does personal responsibility and choices come into it? Why doesn’t your article go the next step and point out the educational benefits and all the MBE programs throughout the nation that strive to give opportunity. Your article fails to deal with, or even point to the source, the breakup of the family. Stop blaming society and start blaming the men and women, both black and white, who will not take responsibility for what they breed; who will not stay with their spouses and make a strong family and home; and who will not become involved in the education and social upbringing of their children.