Responsibility comes with freedom of speech

Having been in the media as a journalist (ABC News and CNN) and also a teacher (UGA) for more than 50 years, I am a strong advocate of free speech. But along with free speech comes responsibility. The proverbial example of yelling “fire” in a crowded theater comes to mind. And the responsibility a journalist has of not reporting information that may endanger someone’s life — decisions I often had to make. But we have given Charlie Hebdo the status of a hero. Would the same be said if they had published the plans of a French armed force preparing to rescue a hostage?


Why is criticizing Islam avoided?

It’s very courageous of the AJC to denounce the murders in Paris by jihadi terrorists, “Liberty’s precious price,” (Opinion, Jan. 11). Did you consciously omit “radical Islamic” from the description of the killers?

While the whole world is decrying this assault on freedom of speech, the editorial boards of most newspapers have either been strangely silent or downright supportive of colleges and universities disinviting speakers that the students/faculty/administration disagree with. Where is the outrage regarding Ayaan Hirsi Ali being disinvited by that bastion of free speech, Brandeis University, simply because she has been openly critical of radical Islam? The same for Condoleezza Rice, Christine Lagarde, George Will and Ann Coulter. And what do these people have in common — they just might be conservatives. Christians, Jews, Mormons and any other religious or ethnic group is fair game to be impugned, marginalized and insulted, but we must be very careful when discussing Islam.


Transpo tax needs perspective

Putting the cost of a transit tax into perspective is the only way to get voters to approve this controversial measure. Driving through Atlanta, I noticed the “Lexus Lane” was charging two or three cents per mile. If Georgia tacked a nickel per gallon to the gas tax and began to provide extended commuter rail service far outside Fulton, a good percentage of drivers would become riders. This fact translates to fewer cars on the highway and faster commutes for those who continue to drive. Instead of paying two cents a mile for Lexus Lane time on a crowded highway, a motorist in a 20 mpg vehicle would only be paying a fourth of a penny or one-eighth of the Lexus Lane cost for the quicker ride. And they won’t have to cross 13 lanes of traffic to get over there. A driver becoming a rider should see a drop in insurance costs, adding to the savings.


We’re better than terrorists

I read the request for a cartoon degrading Muhammad, “Cartoonist’s pen should take swipe at Islam, too” (Readers Write, Jan. 11). To degrade Muhammad just to prove a point is lowering ourselves. We would not like a cartoon degrading Christ. We might not be violent about it, but we wouldn’t like it. For peace-loving Muslims who are good citizens in our country, we need to show respect and courtesy. The United States in the past 200 years has had its share of terrorists, i.e, the KKK. We just didn’t call them terrorists. Let’s don’t go backwards.


Mike, take on Obama

Mike Luckovich: How about a cartoon showing where our president was on Jan. 12. Maybe making snowmen with Joe Biden on the White House lawn while the rest of the world was in Paris ?