No support jeopardizes area’s economic future
Some Cobb County residents, disheartened by negativity and apparent lack of vision regarding T-SPLOST, were encouraged by the enlightened views spelled out by William B. Dunaway (“Cobb transit future can’t wait,” Opinion, Oct. 25).
Dunaway provided perspective about the referendum missing in much of the antipathy exhibited by many county “leaders” recently.
Many have long been absent from transportation concerns until the arrival of the T-SPLOST opportunity for meaningful, long-range transportation progress.
Responsible citizens hope that Cobb voters will look objectively, as Dunaway has, at the challenges facing this metro area regarding penalties resulting from continuing congestion, pollution, wasted energy, lost time and reduced mobility options.
Not to support T-SPLOST is to jeopardize the economic future of a metropolitan community once built on a philosophy in which planning and investing for the future prevailed.
Franzen interview shows lack of maturity
The interview with Tim Franzen (“‘We’re building a collective vision’,” Metro, Oct. 24) sadly shows a lack of maturity.
To oppose a humanitarian because he was a “bigwig” is short- sighted and juvenile. Occupy Atlanta is diminished if that is the best of its leadership.
Livvy Lipson, Atlanta
A shame clergy didn’t stand by the protesters
The Occupy Atlanta movement has been about juxtapositions. While Wall Street celebrates the large profits of corporations like Delta, the rest of us worry about joining the ranks of people unemployed and underemployed. While corporations and the wealthy lavish campaign dollars on our elected officials, student organizations at the University of Georgia set up a food pantry to help struggling students. OA protests brought to our attention the corrupting influence that big money has on our politics; they did so with meager resources. Removed by a mayor who employed a large and heavily armed force, the peaceful protesters offered no physical resistance. OA’s resistance is to our corrupted political and economic systems, and it’s a shame that the mayor’s clergy brigade didn’t pick up that sword and stand by the protesters.