Perdue legacy a flop, should be shut down

Former Gov. Sonny Perdue steers $19 million to build the Go Fish Georgia Education Center attraction, and only 15,000 visitors show up the first year (“Perdue’s ‘Go Fish’ program flops in first year,”, Feb. 26). For $19 million, how many teachers might have been hired? How many miles of roads and infrastructure might have been repaired? How much industry might have been courted? This boondoggle needs to be shut down before additional taxpayer money is wasted. I hope this becomes Perdue’s legacy.

Jim Schisler, Sandy Springs

Coexist with coyotes; don’t trap, mistreat

Regarding “Predator now prey” (Living, Feb. 26), I have every reason to wish the coyotes would leave our neighborhood. In 2006, our dog was attacked by a coyote. By the time I reached the back door, he had escaped. Thanks to the capable staff at an emergency clinic and follow-up care from our vet, our dog made a complete recovery. Coyotes are not one of our favorite animals. However, I was appalled as I read about the fate captured coyotes face. That the traps are inhumane, that their bodies are dumped into ditches or that their fur is sent overseas is intolerable.

Residents of metro Atlanta (and elsewhere) need to educate themselves and make every effort to coexist with coyotes by removing outdoor pet food bowls, keeping pets indoors (or supervised when outdoors), securing garbage can lids and being observant. Fences are not a guarantee that pets are protected, as coyotes can easily jump them. Would I attempt to kill one of these intruders should the need arise? Absolutely! But I cannot condone or encourage trapping coyotes. They are here to stay, and we must learn to live with them.

Brenda Williams, Sandy Springs

Lobbyists, not voters, influence lawmakers

In Georgia, what’s the point in calling this a democracy when (as a constituent and voter) I can only email my lawmaker — while some lobbyist can take him and his family on an all-expenses-paid golf trip? Who is going to influence him more? It’s not going to be me. Yet, whatever the lawmaker decides will affect me and my family. I don’t vote for lobbyists. I vote for lawmakers, who are supposed to represent my interests as a constituent. How can they do that when I can’t buy their trips or put chocolates on their desks? The lack of ethics legislation in Georgia is a joke.

Barbara Cheng, Marietta

Bill discriminates against students

Senate Bill 458 is an ill-conceived piece of legislation designed to discriminate against students whose only objective is to get an education. Undocumented students have every right to attend Georgia schools until laws are uniformly enacted to address a reasonable method for students to become citizens.

Frank Perez, Conyers