Response to “What you heard from him was the real thing.” Metro, Feb. 13

The saddest news I received lately was of the death of my former WRNG radio colleague Bob Hanson, also known as Ludlow Porch. Of gentle spirit and expansive wit, Ludlow occupied the center of a spectrum of laudable talk show hosts, flanked to the left by Peg Nugent and to the right by Neal Boortz. My newsroom window looked into Ludlow’s studio and often, while giving the news, I had to choke back guffaws over something Ludlow just said on the air. When one of my spoof commercials ran during his show, Ludlow honored me with, “There’s a sitcom in him somewhere!” That was in the late 1970s.

WRNG radio was a place where wit, intellect, friendship and commerce flourished together. Never before (or after) have I been privileged to work in such a unique broadcasting environment, and Bob Hanson contributed mightily to that atmosphere.

Joel Newman, Newport, R.I.


Government spending is out of control

Cynthia Tucker’s “Pregnant with hypocrisy” (Opinion, Feb. 13) begins with stating a premise of a half-truth and builds on it to accomplish her goal: to make conservatives the bad guys. She claimed that in last November’s elections, independent voters were disappointed or angry with Democrats because of a “stubbornly high unemployment rate.” However, she omitted out-of-control government spending (which included ObamaCare, the massive entitlement program that was rammed down the throats of the majority of Americans who objected to it).

Tucker continued with justifying more government spending by criticizing John Boehner (and conservatives) for favoring a ban on federal funding for abortions and the distribution of contraceptives. The key words are “federal funding.” It is obvious she does not understand government spending has run amok, and she is totally unaware America has gotten into financial trouble recently because of those who lack personal responsibility.

Sy Davis, Cumming

Power and riches are in the fight, not the victory

In Cynthia Tucker’s column “Pregnant with hypocrisy” (Opinion, Feb. 13), she comments about the contradictions of anti-abortion groups that care about the unborn but oppose family planning programs, whose work in providing contraceptives and education will reduce the number of abortions in our country. She concludes that “they’d rather keep fighting the same old battles.”

The anti-abortion groups know that wealth and power come not from winning the battle, but from fighting it. If the problem goes away, their power goes away. The anti-abortion groups learned from the anti-drinking groups: Once the 18th Amendment was passed, they faded away. They are not about to make the same mistake.

Abraham A. Taché, Dunwoody


Wish more were willing to buck partisan blame

I read with interest the article by Jim Galloway regarding the new role that Sen. Saxby Chambliss is taking on in Washington (“Chambliss’ new role in secret Washington,” Metro, Feb. 13). His disagreement with Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin is very refreshing.

Someone from outside the Democratic Party is not seeing eye to eye with the politically motivated views of these two. They do not let any opportunity go by without finding fault in anything done by President Barack Obama and/or his administration. It is really a shame that these two put their own interests (running for president in 2012) above the interests of the country, let alone fudging facts to suit their point of view.

It is really a sad state that many of our politicians (both Republicans and Democrats) have reached, in blaming the other without really offering any clue as to what they would do differently from whichever administration happens to be in Washington.

Tony Awad, Alpharetta


Don’t put toys on roads; donate them to hospitals

I have no problem with the concept of roadside memorials in general, especially the laying of flowers, which has been symbolic throughout history to honor both happy and tragic events. However, I’m always puzzled at the placement of stuffed animals and toys — not because of the thought behind this, but that it seems such a waste.

I would suggest that those who wish to honor their loved ones in this way consider donating these items to a children’s hospital in memory of the deceased. They would be appreciated, and some comfort could be taken from the fact that they were put to good use.

Betty Ballinger, Tucker


The Lord’s Day? For many, it isn’t Sunday

Georgia’s Christian Coalition (and other readers) have it wrong when it comes to Sunday alcohol sales. It is sanctimonious to assume that Sunday is the Lord’s Day for all people of faith. For thousands of Georgians who are Jewish, Saturday is the “Lord’s Day.”

And God gave man free will to choose in every aspect of life. Who are our elected officials to play a role that God does not assume?

Vince Reynolds, Roswell