Boosting airport vital to Gwinnett’s future
Our counties, cities and state have taken a terrible beating from the recession and resulting fall of revenue. I have thought carefully about our decisions concerning Briscoe Field. If there was any way we could maintain the status quo, I would be all for it. But this county needs a drastic infusion to turn things around economically to maintain a decent way of living for us and for our children and grandchildren.
Without this airport move, our county will be stuck in the same situation forever.
Our home values are already way down, and will continue to decline if nothing drastic is done. What is going to happen when there are no jobs for the next generation? The older generation does not have to worry about that.
I would like to ask the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners to think long and hard on their decision. We may never get another chance like this again to help out this county. Fredrick Lakes, Dacula
Beverage industry uses can liners that are safe
Regarding “Coke’s stand on can liners is wrong” (Opinion, April 27), the beverage industry is committed to using and providing beverage containers that exceed all government health, safety and quality standards.
Our industry’s bottled water and soft drink containers that are made from polyethylene terephthalate, one of the most commonly used types of plastic in the world, do not contain BPA. When it comes to our canned beverage containers, BPA has been safely used in the production of epoxy resins in can liners for more than 30 years, to ensure their safety and quality of canned food and beverages. These liners prevent spoilage, and protect beverages from direct contact with the can. Trace amounts are virtually eliminated during the curing process. Health authorities across the globe have reiterated their conclusions that BPA does not pose a human health risk.
Kevin Perry, executive director, Georgia Beverage Association
Defense of Marriage Act case may signal changes
Since the passage of DOMA, opponents of marriage equality have argued that gays should not be allowed to marry because public opinion is against the idea.
Now, King & Spalding gets criticism for refusing to defend DOMA (as an “unpopular” law). Does this mean we have reached the tipping point in the debate on marriage equality?
Douglas L. Brooks, Atlanta
A way to honor victims: Ensure safer workplaces
This year marked the 100th anniversary of the horrific Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, which killed 146 workers.
We all like to think that something so terrible could never happen today. A review of the past year’s events proves that an illusion: the BP oil spill that killed 11 workers and the mine explosion in West Virginia that claimed 29 lives.
Unsafe working conditions kill people every day in our country. Let’s honor the fallen by asking our legislators to ensure that another tragedy won’t happen here.
Susan Mumpower-Spriggs, Doraville