Our legislators have no appetite for ethics
We’ve learned that Georgia is at the top when it comes to being the worst of the worst — for government ethics. I knew we had to be in trouble based on the recent “agonizing” by our Senate and House leaders over lobbyist gifts. They just can’t figure it out.
I suggest no personal gifts — short of possibly a lunch at a restaurant — be given a legislator by any lobbyist. Even then, these should be for the meal at hand (no future meal tickets), and everyone had better eat everything on their plate.
We can now say for certain that Georgia has the finest state government that money can buy. Our legislators must be so very proud. However, the only trait they seem to exhibit is arrogance regarding ethics issues.
John Dillahunt, Peachtree City
Universal Medicare truly the best solution
Jack Bernard’s guest column, “Bill means well, but is naïve” (Opinion, March 23) was well thought-out and well written. As one who spent an entire career in insurance, I, too, know that a universal Medicare approach is the best scenario for providing health care coverage.
It is well documented that U.S. citizens pay the most (with the worst results), compared to other free nations. Knowing how insurance works best, the current approach is a compromise plan and not one that President Obama initially sought.
We have to ask ourselves if access to current health care should be a basic right — or is only for the wealthy or lucky (lucky to stay well or lucky to have a “Cadillac” health plan).
Max Epling, Canton
Right of self-defense is not a one-way street
A point that I have yet to hear made is: If deadly force is justified when you fear for your life, wouldn’t Trayvon Martin have been the first person to have met that qualification? Is the survivor of such an encounter the only one entitled to that defense?
Michael Fedack, Atlanta
A nation of gun-toters is hardly a safe place
The “Rambo” rationale for carrying guns in bars, schools, churches and secured areas at airports has run into the reality of the Trayvon Martin killing. Do the Republicans (and the NRA) really want the U.S. to devolve into a place like Somalia or Afghanistan?
Matt Huffman, Decatur
AJC reminds us what journalism is all about
Thank you so much for your continued coverage of the school testing situation nationwide. As a 30-year subscriber to the newspaper, this type of story is exactly why we need strong, independent newspapers like the AJC.
Please pass our thanks along to the reporters and others doing this kind of work. We appreciate your work.
David Conner, Johns Creek